Wednesday, January 1, 2020


10 2020 tweets about the abuses of #ThePress1A

The 4th arm of #USGov is an honest press keeping the #USPublic well & factually informed. This is essential for good #USGov. If folks are misled with #psyops, #propaganda, or just #BadNews it threatens the very fabric of our #Freedom and #Liberty. #NotOkay1A 1/10

Who to call when your faith & trust is abused? Who to call when you are misled by false ads & based on your trust of that ad, you are harmed in many ways? Who's fault when #ThePress1A misleads you to believe you are in danger-you act for your safety & hurt others? #NotOkay1A 2/10

What remedy have you when the #NewsInfo you trust (#ThePress1A) misleads you & your good faith act based on that news goes real bad? Call the @FBI? The @FCC? The @DOJ? Do you sue? Who? What court? What if they allege you did crime-you did not & lose #Liberty & $? #NotOkay1A 3/10

Who is to blame when @FBI or any #USLaw ignores #BadNews #psyops & #PropagandaCrime they know misleads a huge mass of US Public causing the folks to act badly on lies #ThePress1A told them is true? Who watches the watchers when #BadNews is #NotOkay1A? 4/10

When any #BadNewsActor lies or abuses #ThePress1A, it’s known by #USLaw & ignored... The public has ONLY #BadNews to correctly choose & vote on issues that maintain or retain their precious #Liberty. Especially when all #USLaw ignores the psyops #LieCrimes. It's #NotOkay1A 5/10

Heard this before? The left & their media allies? Liars at #FoxNews? #FakeNews? #PolarizedNews? There is no such thing: It's simply PSYOPs PROPAGANDA NEWS. There’s only #GoodNews, #BadNews, & criminal #1A abuse. Special #ThePress1A must never be abused. It's just #NotOkay1A 6/10

This will not stand with me. I stand with everyone's #1A. There's no #HateSpeech, only #FreeSpeech. If this not be true our #1A is #NotOkay1A. You say, I say, it's all okay, but what #ThePress1A say must be Okay. No speculation, just revelation. Otherwise it is #NoOkay1A 7/10

@ABC @NBC @CBS @CNN @MSNBC @FoxNews @OANN @NYT @WaPo news must be news, fact checked, verified, #ThePress1A. #Hannity #Maddow any #OpEd-: What they say, it's okay. Its #FreeSpeech not #HateSpeech it's just their mind. IF, "It's true" they say. It best be: or it's #NotOkay1A 8/10

When you say, she's not okay, best be fact-checked its what I say. If not that's not #FreeSpeech1A. It's #BadNews #NotOkay1A. I've no time to investigate, I must trust what you state. In our #Liberty fight, if you lie, we all die as our info just won't fly. It's #NotOkay1A 9/10

Social media it's not free-they manipulate you & me. What you say comes not to me-The #POTUS speaks-I don't see-but #FakeNews comes to me? I see when to vote! You didn't get the note? Who can help us see-social media blinds you & me! It's #1A they say, sorry that's #NotOkay1A. 10/10


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