Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Illegal Immigration: It's about Power, and much, much more.

For the full "Prager U" article please go here.

Imagine Tucker is correct, and it is about power. Assume democrats obtain the power they seek.  I've heard, "Abolish ICE", "Open Borders" and rhetoric that is incomprehensible from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Feminism, and Metoo movements.  

Abolish ICE, or law enforcement of immigrants and Open borders has unimaginable horrible outcomes.  Antifa is little more than democrat intimidation via fear from fascist gangs little different from Hitler's brown shirts, who curiously consider themselves anti-fascists.  Yes, and up is down, down is up. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

California Elections: November 6, 2018 How and why I voted.

I am publishing my vote because there are no options to vote in California on many positions due to election rules that have been rigged in favor of democrats.  

Another reason for posting my vote is that most folks will not do the research and will routinely vote YES, or NO arbitrarily.  This effects people greatly with the Propositions and the Judges.  


I voted on the propositions on the recommendation of the party that is not destroying California.  

Where they had no recommendation, I voted: NO, as I'm routinely opposed to change and most changes in California are nefarious.  I did read the summaries. Discerning what I think would be best is near impossible.  I routinely believe if government wants to spend money, someone else could provide that service more effectively at lower cost.

The Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Assange sues Ecuador, Thousands Spontaneously Decide to Invade USA.

Julian Assange

Photo © Sky News 2018 fair use for education & review of politics
Julian Assange is suing Ecuador for violating his rights.  I suspect Ecuador is now practicing Christian restraint beyond all expectations of anyone.

I think Assange is heroic in the field of true "journalism" as far as "journalism's" job is to report the truth and expose corruption.  No one can debate that fact about Assange and "Wikileaks". 

Suing the county that has been protecting him and allowing him to continue his "journalism" for years, while supporting him in the face of dozens of country's ire at Assange and Ecuador, is the height of umbrage.  

That is one lawsuit, if I were Ecuador, I would roll up and shove up his bum.  I would have the military police escort his lawsuit filled bum out of the embassy and dumped on the sidewalk for the host country to take him hostage with their overwhelming displeasure for  his "journalism" and exposure of their official behavior sewage.

Let him sue Ecuador from a black site prison somewhere in the world…  outside of the Ecuador embassy.

Assange and USA Invaders Similarities

© Reuters 2018 fair use for educational & review of politics
Assage's umbrage and disrespect relates to 30 million illegal immigrants in USA as well.

Monday, October 15, 2018

In relation to "Fake News"

If you don't know who they are that are reporting "fake news", the primary players are (not grading which is more evil than the others), MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, affiliates of those mentioned and 80+% of newspapers and magazines.

It is bad enough that our education system is as corrupt as these news organizations, but the "fake news", supports the misinformation often taught in our schools these days.

I wanted to recommend OANN news.  In the last several weeks they have aired all of President Trump's MAGA speeches live across the USA.  I doubt any cable news sources are offering this information, at least not in its unedited version.  NBC ran a story on a recent Trump speech and edited it so it would appear he was saying something entirely different from what he actually said.

NBC was unable to pull off this intentionally botched story as OANN, and possibly others, aired the entire speech live and it was easy to check if NBC's creative, and evil intentioned cuts, were accurate.

This brings me to other 'fake news" where President Trump, and countless others who violate the socialists agenda(s) are presented to the public in entirely false ways.  Every time one of the "fake news" targets agrees to an interview the target gets asked vicious questions and while their answers may be perfectly clear, when they air, the edit makes them look like people who have said horrible things.  In these cases, the targeted people have no recourse unless they have somehow managed to simultaneously film the interviews and can prove the creative "cuts" were made intentionally to misinform their audience.