Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tyranny of Tech Megacorps and the internet's response.

Here Next News interviews Bill Ottman, one of the co-founders of, a unique social media platform working to not only to provide a "free speech" social media platform but also is trying to find ways to make your time and the content that you share on social media valuable.  Not only valuable to News distributors like Next News Network, but also for John Peters and Anita Spears, fictional users who just want to share photos of their grand kids and maybe see what Next News Network may be saying about the most recent political news item compared to Fox News or CNN. is one of the new social media platforms benefiting from the massive hard handed censorship by primarily Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others heavyweights in the social media arena. Censorship by these Tech Megacorps has become nothing less than a cabal of mafia like hoodlums.  Once they "picked a side" and started censoring anything disagreeable to their newly adopted point of view they go to any lengths to silence everyone.  

It should be noted that these Tech Megacorps have grown beyond the levels of financial influence than many modern Western countries.  They own or influence banks and service providers.  One recent example is is just another start up social media platform.  They were very quickly labeled as Alt-Right hate platform and when one of their members committed a horrible crime, PayPal and Go-Daddy, shut them down. Virtually stealing their money and kicking them off the Go-Daddy servers they had paid to use.  Like the year long chanting of Russian collusion political agenda that never existed, Gab's "Alt-Right" Hate designation was another accusation that held water as efficiently as a colander.  If the same standard was applied to Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or any other social media they would have been infinitely more guilty as they have nearly infinitely more customers who subscribe and are as unstable and criminal as the one customer.  So why haven't all these Tech Megacorps been shut down each time some heinous crime is committed?  

When you start looking at what is going on and thinking about it, the smoke and mirrors vanish and you see these Tech Megacorps as the evil influences they have become on our society and it is no small thing.  Each of them have "economies" larger than many countries. is back up and running, thank the liberty loving poeple who still value freedom of speech.  But Gab is only one of many social medias that popped up when the Tech Megacorps switched from being social platforms to content providers that strictly edit and restrict distribution that their customers provide.

One American News Network started as a social media platform.  It is new, buggy, and exceedingly frustrating for someone who is used to the polished platforms like Facebook or Twitter. BitChute is a new Youtube clone offering video with more 'free speech' and less censorship.  And the list goes on.  

What happened when all the Tech Megacorps and/or those who they could influence "deplatformed" Alex Jones is they fired the first shot of tyranny across the bow of the internet announcing that their long practiced and thinly veiled tyranny -- that was well known by many -- came out into the open with one giant blast, shaking free speech and the internet like a 9.0 earthquake. 

Currently there is no way to wrestle common sense, liberty, or freedom of speech back from these Tech Megacorps that we have become so dependent upon.  The solutions being bantered about all look as awful and tyrannical as the Tech Megacorps themselves.  I'm talking primarily about government regulation which opens a whole pallet of cans of worms that may never be repaired if governments step into that trap.  

Alternately these Tech Megacorps have become tyrannical managers and gatekeepers of information and are censoring free speech worse than most socialist countries have done in the past.  They are no longer "social media platforms".  They can no longer claim they only provide the town hall where folks may freely gather and share with each other.  Now they are strictly regulating the use of the town hall. Most people in the world freely walked into this "town hall" believing it to be a benign "safe space" and never noticed when the doors were locked and the Tech Megacorps started 'whacking folks whenever they colored outside the lines of their new socialist rules of politically correct speech which remains massively inconsistent. 

For a time, freedom of speech, liberty, and common sense will be held prisoner as the solutions are as tyrannical as the problem.   Fortunately the USA still has sparks of liberty and freedom within their porous borders and entrepreneurs are inventing wonderful new ways to keep freedom of speech free.  

Some entrepreneurs  are finding ways to lock out governments and Tech Megacorps so even the social media they are creating is so decentralized the inventors cannot control it.  While we endure this current era of tyranny, keep your eyes and ears open. 

You'll never learn any truth from the "legacy news" but if you choose your information sources from among those die hard, morally incorruptible, liberty lovers who keep popping up after every time the Tech Megacorps shut them down, there is still hope.  

Join me at  I'm not a news source or one of the brave warriors fighting this battle, just an old soldier and patriot who still screams "foul" when he sees tyranny.  I'm currently placing most of my content on where you are welcome.  Not just by me, but by who wants to be a town hall where you'll always have free speech as long as it is legal in USA.  It is still not ok to incite violence or do other such things that have become popular with some groups who can not tolerate a difference of opinion, but liberty loving folks have never wanted violence unless it was the only other possiblity to reject tyranny.

The video used in this post is © The Next News Network 2018: Silicon Valley TREMBLING After NEW Social Network Rises To Combat Their Censorship _ Bill Ottman [720p]  (Fair use for educational purposes on censorship by Tech Megacorps with nefarious intentions and the negative effects and positive solutions that are becoming available)

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