Monday, October 15, 2018

In relation to "Fake News"

If you don't know who they are that are reporting "fake news", the primary players are (not grading which is more evil than the others), MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post, affiliates of those mentioned and 80+% of newspapers and magazines.

It is bad enough that our education system is as corrupt as these news organizations, but the "fake news", supports the misinformation often taught in our schools these days.

I wanted to recommend OANN news.  In the last several weeks they have aired all of President Trump's MAGA speeches live across the USA.  I doubt any cable news sources are offering this information, at least not in its unedited version.  NBC ran a story on a recent Trump speech and edited it so it would appear he was saying something entirely different from what he actually said.

NBC was unable to pull off this intentionally botched story as OANN, and possibly others, aired the entire speech live and it was easy to check if NBC's creative, and evil intentioned cuts, were accurate.

This brings me to other 'fake news" where President Trump, and countless others who violate the socialists agenda(s) are presented to the public in entirely false ways.  Every time one of the "fake news" targets agrees to an interview the target gets asked vicious questions and while their answers may be perfectly clear, when they air, the edit makes them look like people who have said horrible things.  In these cases, the targeted people have no recourse unless they have somehow managed to simultaneously film the interviews and can prove the creative "cuts" were made intentionally to misinform their audience.

One brought to my attention recently was a 60 minutes interview of President Trump. While I wasn't paying much attention to the news report of the "fake news", I did hear that the woman interviewer Leslie Stahl had interrupted the President over 40 times in attempts to get him to "slip up", lose his temper, or say something they could cut and edit to make him look horrible in their report.  I'm sure they succeeded even though I would never pollute my brain with CBS's 60 Minutes Show. (Which tragically did report mostly "news" several decades ago.)

I think every citizen actually wants to have an open mind and wants accurate information so they can make informed decisions.  They aren't getting accurate information and haven't been getting much in years.  I think they should be asking themselves, and their sources of misinformation, WHY are they doing this?  A recent report I heard about said 92% of the news about President Trump is negative.  92%?  Really?

President Trump is proud to give you an exhaustive list of his accomplishments which should suggest the news about him would be far better than 50% positive.  Even if it were only Trump boasting, all he says about his accomplishments are verifiable.  If he is so horrible, why aren't the news doing some good research and reporting where he is in error, rather than editing his speeches to make it appear he says things he did not say?  If he were as horrible as they report 92% of the time, they shouldn't have to resort to lying to the public to make their point.

Meanwhile, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, and multiple others say things that are blatant lies, or just plain evil.

Maxine is trying to start a civil war, urging idiots to get in the faces of supporters of good people serving in government positions - failing to mention these folks are armed or have armed security around them.  She is sending goof balls into fights with folks much better informed, and much better armed than her goons.

Cory Booker, an admitted sexual predator points his fingers at everyone and calls them sexual predators proving the theory that folks only see in others the worst they see about themselves.

Then we have Blumenthal the Viet Nam "hero" which has long been known to be an entire fabrication and Elizabeth Warren's "Native American" fabrication so she could get special funding for her education when she in face has less than 1% Native American heritage.

The point isn't that the majority of people in the Democratic party are blatant liars.  There are some with good intentions who get into politics, then are overwhelmed with the evil of the Democrats who helped elect them and are immediately mired in corruption, obstruction, and politics of personal destruction instead of the good they intended to do.

Many other Democrats appeal to religious folks by claiming to be Catholics but to other supporters brag of their pro-abortion position. They are lying about one (Catholic) or the other (pro-abortion) as aborting a child is one of the things forbidden by Catholic doctrine, as another example. 

The topic is "Fake News".  These kinds of lies and misleading of different groups they want votes from is major news.  If anyone in the "other" party do any of these "lies or misleading assorted groups" things it is absolutely top of the news stories ahead of plane crashes, and your local posioned water.  Even manslaughter from popular members of democrats get only the media coverage it is forced to report, and then that vanishes as soon as is possible.

I didn't abandon the Democratic party arbitrarily.  I was raised with morals, taught to reject lies, and to THINK.  One thing I thought that caused me to reject Democratic Party was decades ago when I saw everyplace that had decades of complete Democratic leadership had produced slums, poverty, and disrepair.  Seeing that, I started paying more attention.

I soon realized that Republicans usually have a plan and desire to improve lives where Democrats usually focused on the character assassination of their opponents. Another "Democrat activity" is lying about the accomplishments of Republicans, or using their honest attempts to make things better that failed as if those failures were intentional evil towards those who experienced failures.

The media I initially mentioned (above) are reporting how great the liars and failures are, while reporting how horrible the folks with plans and good will are as leaders, either falsely or by omitting large parts of the truth, essentially creating "intentions" were are the opposite of the truth.


I struggle to believe any group as large as the Democrat party could possibly be intentionally evil top to bottom, and side to side, but it sure looks that way.  Why?

Why do the majority of the news sources report "fake news".  News that is not entirely the truth, or is edited to tell a story that can easily be called "propaganda".  Why?

I thought they were the "truth" to keep our government honest.  Instead it is looking like their independence has been usurped by a political party or an agenda that can not possibly be good for this country.

Why?  Who is behind this nonsense... which tragically goes much deeper than just "fake news"

If you can imagine the answers to the Why's I've asked about, feel free to comment.  Maybe there is a way to provide the means to reform dishonesty in media, and our government (which isn't entirely a "Democrats" issue and even goes deeper than politics more often than one might suspect.)

Aegiswiz is a  US Military Veteran, a Patriot and polymath with eclectic interested from Art to Astrophysics.

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