Let us insist they throw away the tools they use to torture each other and that allows any single Senator to freeze government entirely for any trivial or diabolical narcissistic reason.

When I first realized this could solve all legislative deadlock, the House of Representatives was trying to pass a bill that must avoid the filibuster, and its escape clause, the two track rule and beyond my limited knowledge, "The Byrd Rule".
Consider the Byrd rule in the Senate. When terms like "extraneous matter" "remains subject to considerable interpretation by the presiding officer", who must rely on a Senate Parliamentarian… my head starts to spin. In my mind I am hearing President Clinton saying, "It depends what the meaning of "is" is. Listening to Senator Byrd explain it one may be vaguely confident something happens regarding the Byrd rule if something unexpected may happen in the distant future, if some bill reduces revenue, or reconciliation instructions do not create a deficit reduction. He says the purpose of the rule is to reduce the deficit. Are you confused?
Yeah, add The Byrd Rule to the list that belongs in the garbage bin along with the filibuster and the two track rule.
During the House of Representatives efforts to try to fulfill one of the President's promises they had a majority in the House but a divided majority who could not sufficiently overcome the division to pass the bill. The minority party had an absolute immovable stance. NO. No talking. No helping. No working with each other at all for any reason no matter how wonderful or diabolical the legislation.
Nothing was going to happen. There was the possibility that someone would take the majority members behind the shed and convince them to unite in order to get the legislative passed.
The public had listened to those in the majority party. They had given them control of the Senate, the House of Representative, AND the Presidency.
They were thinking, "Ok… what is going on? We did everything you asked of us. You promised us to do several things, and we expect you to do those things."
Unfortunately, "The Public" doesn't understand these complicate tools these children have that they use to bloody each other. Furthermore, the majority can not stand there straight faced and say, "You didn't give us ENOUGH Senators."
We gave them 52 of 100. They want 60 of 100 since none of the other children will cooperate or play at all. Further, the other spoiled brats will use their freshly sharpened weapons to bloody everyone just to be brats because they are mad their candidate did not win the presidential election. They only need one member to act like an ass. Not even 8.
The solution
Take away the scissors so the children cannot run with them while playing. Make them do their job and not push their responsibilities aside. Finally, take that Byrd rule which probably had a good intention when reducing the budget meant something and overspending trillions of dollars over budget every year is nothing anyone cares about. They should, but that is a different article.Out of pure frustration both parties have thrown out the filibuster rules so they could hire some judges. So the filibuster for "confirmations" are now history. Everyone stand and applause.
What remains is the filibuster for legislative issues. Some years ago this so clogged up the Senate with backlogged work that they created a two track rule. How this works if you did not read the Hillsdale article, is some crybaby says they will filibuster. Everyone knows that takes 60 votes to shut down and now they don't really need to suffer the standing on the Senate floor for days without pissing or if forced they simply tag team each other for bathroom breaks and nothing gets done.
Enter the two track rule. This says if the crybabies are going to have their filibuster fit, we can table the issue and move on to the next one. What I'm suggesting is no to the filibuster and no to the two track rule… considering they've dumped The Byrd Rule about reducing a budget that hasn't been reduced since Bill Clinton was forced to reduce it by House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
What happens if we take these sharp tools out of the hands of children who only abuse them?
First. The House may do its job and pass bills to be debated and or changed in the Senate. When the Senate gets these bills they must do something with the bills. They must work. No crybaby can have a fit and throw the axe into the gears of government. What must they do?
The majority is going to get its way. The public elected them because they liked their ideas better. So what choice do the minority have to limit any tyranny of the majority? They must talk, discuss, propose amendments, argue, yell, have fits, and go on social media to try to get Americans to contact the majority and support the minority's ideas. If they pout and refuse to talk. The senate passes the bill without the crybabies input and life goes on. Since there is no filibuster there is no necessity for a two track rule. The folks are going to deliberate like they should, get done, and move to the next bill.
I could worry about tyranny. Government majorities change much more often than they did in the past. Majorities do get tyrannical. I have to trust our very first congress who saw no need for filibuster.
There is a massive tyranny that still must be addressed. The judicial system that does not understand their very simple duties.

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