ISIS is Islam, Islam is ISIS
Whoever Says Otherwise Is a Liar'
Can any EU country find foothold enough to restore their sovereignty and culture? Maybe a question for another day.
Multiple nightmares and injustices continue in the name of Islam. One of the great deceptions is that ISIS is not Islam. ISIS is precisely Islam. They follow all the ways of Mohammad as commanded with ardent and religious fervor. There are others who always teach the truth of Islam. Omar Abdel-Rahman, "The Blind Sheikh" would tell the truth. You can scan Youtube of famous Imams and your jaw will bounce off the floor when you hear them making rulings on the validity of sex with babies. Mohammadan men hearing these teachings are unconcerned, they've heard it since childhood. Children of mohammadans are taught from birth about the glory of slaughtering Jews and Christians. It is easy to find Youtube videos with 4 year old girls talking or singing about cutting off the heads of non-believers.
The conquest of Europe and USA has been planned for decades and mohammadans know exactly what will or will not work. In their 1400 years of effort to conquer the West they have learned that direct battle is their weakest of weapons. So they use cultural jihad and other forms of conquest.
Islam's at your doorstep. Europe is lost.
They use our own Christian charity and love of others to drive wedges into the minor differences we may have, in order to create chaos and hatred among ourselves. They use "political correctness" and "tolerance" as easily as someone using a pry bar to open a door and get into your home, your school, your church, and your government. Islamophobia is spoken in the Western world as if that is a bad thing.
We must "tolerate" and accept other religions and cultures! 50 Muslim Brotherhood public relations agencies paid for by Saudi Arabia or Iran tell us daily these and other propaganda lies. It is commanded of their "religion" to deceive us " kafirs" (kafir = think "nigger" but the meaning has much deeper insult and degradation). To westerners morality has a meaning. Thou shall not lie. There are no exceptions. Islam is different. Consider these four words: Taqiyya, Tawriya, Kitman and Muruna:
- ...Takiyya is defined as dissimulation about ones Muslim identity...
- ...Tawriya is defined as concealing, and it could be called “creative lying”...
- ...Kitman is characterized by someone telling only part of the truth. The most common example of this is when a Muslim says that jihad really refers to an internal, spiritual struggle...
- ...Muruna means using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings...
Western culture is 100% incompatible with Islam. Tolerance of their barbaric beliefs and behaviors is pure insanity. In the Western world, largely having accepted Christian moral principals of love and compassion, of freedom of speech and religion, we easily can find great room and tolerance for cultures who hold these same principles and values as fundamental and primary to the culture. Islam is an ideology and political movement that also practices some religious appearing rituals.
Comparing Islam to any popular Western religion is like comparing the MS13 crime gang to a group to a church youth choir. Saying it is intolerant to find Islam repugnant in the Western world is suggesting a police officer can not recognize a violent crime happening right before their eyes.
Who would pronounce such ridiculous nonsense as someone was a bigot, racist, or intolerant because they can see with their own eyes that Islam has not even an intention to tolerate anything except complete submission to Sharia Law by any means necessary, including sending children into crowded places with bombs strapped to their bodies to strike terror into people who disagree.
Your mega-propaganda media outlets, puppets to those 50 Moslem Brotherhood propaganda public relations agencies, will be quick to flood your living room with patriotic "moderate" mohammadans. You will hear that, like many religions, there are some bad things and some good things, and people pick and choose to facilitate their own view of Islam. This will register as true to many folks who are familiar with fire and brimstone preachers and TV evangelists praising the love of Christ, provided you send them some money. Next you will see a beautiful young girl in a hijab talking of her love of USA and how patriotic she feels and her love of this country. Click on the above "hijab" link for more.
There are no moderate moslem. No now, not ever. Islam, unlike most all other religious passages are not vague, unclear, or have confusing and contradicting ideologies like most all religions do to some degree, depending on the faith of the believer.
Islam is clear and precise. When passages conflict, the passage that was said later in mohammad's life over rides, supersedes, supplants, replaces, ousts, usurps, displaces any previous passage that may be in conflict with the older passage. When you hear the propaganda, "Religion of Peace", we tolerate all religions, and many other flowery and feel good passages, each and every one are from mohammad's early life when he was trying desperately to convert anyone to his new hybrid religion of old Jewish, Christian, and Bedouin belief systems. (The Bedouin moon good is allah)
Moslems somehow are associated with Abram, later Abraham, the patriarch of Jewish and Christian faiths in mohammad's delusions as well. All of the horrendous, nightmare passages, such as kill all non-mohammadans, woman are as valuable as livestock, etc., this list is very long, are all older sayings that render the earlier sayings as uttering of a young idiot.
A few things can be happening with a "moderate mohammadans". They don't understand their own religion. They don't believe their religion, or they refuse to practice their religion. Finally, they are lying in one or all of the ways mentioned above. Oddly, the only thing that will save them from other mohammadans slaughtering them is if they are lying. In all the other cases they are no better than non-mohammadans, except they know better. And "knowing better" will probably result in being slaughtered in a more creative and painful way.
So we have an army of what is commonly understood to be "useful idiots" who believe the propaganda media lies or their deceptive teachers about Islam. Society has indoctrinated these useful idiots to be "Politically Correct", which is really just the dumbing down of youth, primarily, who might have become critical thinkers, but are now mentally crippled. Another set of coach potatoes who do whatever "political correctness" it takes to appease others so they can simply have a little space to try to live in peace. You have the Alinsky and Cloward and Piven fans who thrive on chaos and know if an overwhelming number of people are dependent of free government stuff, they will ultimately collapse the society those "useful idiots" are clueless about to begin with. Once a stigma is attached to being politically incorrect the haters, socialist, and ultimately the mohammadan conquerors have a giant pry bar to more easily rip apart society.
Finally, our very own "love one another", "turn the other cheek", "tolerate anything" culture, who have lost their real connection to real Christian values, come into play. Largely as a culture of Christian values. It is irrelevant as long as the belief system suits the mohammadan conquerors. They must be tolerated, accepted, embraced, and people taught Islam so our culture understands and tolerates THEIR culture. The mohammadans expect us to tolerate them until they can command anything and be tolerated... even allowing them to practice Sharia Law in a country of laws that strictly forbids every single thing about Sharia Law.
Today, in the USA there are dozens of mohammadan "no go" zones where Sharia Law is the law of that ground. They have Sharia enforcement patrols in these areas. There are incursions of Islamic Law in the U.S. Legal System. Anyone who has taken (free online)Introduction to the Constitution at Hillsdale College and has read any of the Qur'an will recognize the systems of laws are incompatible.
People in extremely blighted and poor neighborhoods recognize this behavior pattern very easily. They were raised where gangs had turfs that were theirs and blocks that belong to this gang or that. But in this case the gangs, and we've heard of the mohammadan "rape gangs", are Islamic cultural jihadist.
People may argue incoherently when I say these United States were founded on Christian principles. I'm not suggesting anyone run to any church and begin worship, but it is clear this is a "Christian" country. Today even secularists and atheist accept the principles of the Christian way of life that was transplanted here by European immigrants.
The principles are in our laws and even in the spirit of our great nation. Our willingness to help and reach out to others. Our willingness to give others a hand up instead of a hand out. Our sense of duty to the freedoms our fathers and mothers and fathers and mothers before them sacrificed so we today could enjoy the rights and freedoms we have. The principles that were founded when we said, these truths are self-evident and ripped them out of the hands of King George. All those principles, those fundamental things flowed from Christian beliefs. Honesty, hard work, freedom of speech and yes, even freedom of religion sprang from our Christian foundations. It could not be otherwise.
We are a country of immigrants who all came to this country as it has always stood as a land of freedom and opportunity. People wanted economic mobility, not a hand out, but a chance to keep what they earned, feel secure in a government of laws that protected people fairly under a government that derives its authority from the people who are governed.
Every immigrant who has come to this country over the years has WANTED TO BECOME AN AMERICAN. They wanted this culture, this way of life. They assimilated, studied our language, history, and laws. They became us.
Islam is a very different thing. Mohammadans have never assimilated anywhere they have ever invaded. I'm not going to be politically correct or practice irrational "tolerance", it is an invasion, not immigration, not even helping refugees. Saudi Arabia has thousands of empty air conditioned tents prepared for refugees. They won't take mohammadans from Syria. Same "religion", same Sharia Law, but they know better. They may claim "different" Islams. Saudis are this brand of Islam, they are not.
Christians can not even comprehend such thinking. Western (Christian) culture sees suffering humans, then opens hands, hearts, and minds. We have never, except during war, failed to assist because this group was Lutheran Christians, or that group was Catholic Christians, or if they were Hindu or Wiccan. Those who stay are happy to assimilate and not only accept our way of life, but embrace it.
Except mohammadans. They will tell you plainly, they have no intention to assimilate. They will tell you clearly our laws are irrelevant to them, they live by Sharia Law, their God's law. They will tell you without blinking, that you and I are inferior because we are not mohammadans and should be killed with no more care than stepping on an ant.
They will not honestly pledge allegiance to this country our mean any oath they take to uphold our constitution because it is in direct conflict with Sharia Law. They will lie, they must to appease us until they can enslave us under Sharia Law.
For any liberal, socialist (other classes of slightly less evil ideologies) or useful idiots opening your arms to mohammadan immigration, you are inviting hostile invaders and they are determined. They have conquered most of Europe. Not by your watch, but by their calendar they know it is conquered already.
This article starts with Sister Hatune Dogan plainly telling you her eyewitness accounts of living with Islam. She talks of mohammadans ripping children from parents who might be useful as sex slaves, either to please their leaders or to rent out to raise money for terrorism jihad. She tells you what the Moslem Brotherhood controlled propaganda medias are forbidden from telling you.
Forbidden or they are simply sick and cowardly, because they only tell you the mohammadan propaganda while Sister Hatune Dogan has maybe on independent investigative journalist sneaking in to interview her then maybe lucky enough to sell the interview to on online news site who can and will report the breaking news, but it will not be heard again.
This USA will be mohammadan in the future. Your granddaughter or great-granddaughter may be given to a husband when she is 6 years old. The husband may be 15, he may be 75. She'll be dressed in a burka, will be beaten by her husband, and even if she wanted to enjoy sex with her twisted husband, she will not be able to enjoy it after being "cut" as the New York Times calls it. You can look up Female Genital Mutilation yourself. The World Health Organization has classes for these mutilations. Your females will likely see Type 3 FGM (Infibulation)
Norm Davis
- Thanks to Dr. Bill Warner and his Political Islam Website. Bill has worked tirelessly for decades to educate people on Islam. His The Counter Jihad Report is a valuable resource for anyone concerned about Islam.
- Thanks to Bill H Islam Website for the definitions of the 4 terms of lying in Islam

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