Contrast in views from Founders to Today.
A short list of what our Government is limited to doing.
A long list our president is trying to coral into something manageable.
An opportunity for you.
With great thanks to US Constitution.Net

According to our constitution our government is intended to be very limited. The Anti-Federalist, between 1776 and 1787 argued at great length against the ideas being considered for our constitution claiming it would allow the government to become too big, centralized, and become too powerful. Obviously they lost the argument. But they did manage to keep the government reduced to a list of eighteen things our federal government should do, if they must, for the citizens of the states of the United States. These items are specifically listed in Article 1 - The Legislative Branch, Section 8 - Powers of Congress.
I have provided these at the beginning of this essay so the limit of our government is fresh in your mind before I present the second part of the article.
In the second part of this article I come forward to current time in 2017, explicitly the time of late March through June 12, 2017. This is the time the current president, Donald J. Trump has reached out to the public for input on how to reorganize the executive branch of the government. That part of the government he can directly effect without tremendous constitutional outrage from the legislative and judicial branches of government.