It appears Elon Musk has purchased Twitter.
Today the rabid liberals are biting more ferociously than normal. It only means the share holders were wise, to me. Elon's offer to pay double the value of each share was more than the greedy could step away from.
Elon may have saved Twitter from destroying itself. The dictators running that show were doing to Twitter, what the Biden administration is doing to USA. Even the USSR with all the firepower and steel-will they had, could not overcome incompetence coupled with immorality and a lack of ethics over time. Elon may have decided to save free speech too late.
Elon fails far more often than he succeeds. This is a new thing to him. What may bless the world is that he is tenacious and open minded. A recipe for (eventual) success - as has happened with everything he has tried. He takes it to the edge of destruction, then miraculously flips it into an astronomical success.
Elon is not the 'conservative' the majority in USA would hope for. He isn't infected with the popular insanity of whatever runs the universal swamp, either. Mr. Musk is one of those dangerous folks: People who think. He does not cling to obvious failure, because it SHOULD work. He acts to achieve his goals, despite all opinions.
Elon's goals have always been admirable. He also has morals and ethics he doesn't compromise. The original folks at Twitter & Facebook had similar ideals. These ideals and principles are what made them successful. It was their abandonment of those principles that set them on paths of the people they previously abhorred. The how and why they abandoned their souls is fodder for another article.
Fortunately for everyone, Elon is starting from "having it all" -- including intact ethics and morals.
What will destroy Elon's competition in the social media platform wars is if he is able to re-instate all the banned people to their previous accounts. (I'm hearing he won't)
Many of the folks who were kicked off Twitter were only banned because they had large numbers of followers. They had influence that opposed bad policies desired by some horrible 'behind the scenes' people. If these banned folks were offered their old accounts and followers back..., game over for most the other social media start-ups who benefited from Twitter's illegal, immoral, unethical, management.
The losers in this social media upheaval will be Parler, Gettr, Gab, Minds, MeWe, Clouthub, ad infinitum. I hope not, but I'm a realist under the optimistic paint job.
What needs real attention is why Facebook and Twitter went bad. What was behind their fall from heroes to hell hounds is the same thing that has happened to legacy media, politicians, and political parties.
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