Monday, June 3, 2019

Why it is Urgent to Know This Today...

So Your Grandchildren Can Still Enjoy Liberty in USA

Adrian Norman interviews Bill Warner:

Bill: Don't read the Quar'an first read the life of Mohammad (Sira: Study of the life of Muhammad) and Bill expands…

Adrian: Sounds like a John Wick movie.

You can be a strategic and tactical blessing to USA by *you* understanding Islam.

No one understands Islam better than Bill Warner, particularly in how it will effect you, the "kaffir". (Originally a slur meaning "one without religion" but now means "non-moslem".)

This is Adrian Norman interviewing Bill and him getting a chance to actually answer as is not allowed in "network" interviews. Bill's website, Political Islam is an excellent educational resource that should not be neglected if you don't want your daughter's fashion choices limited to an Abaya, Amira, Audhani, Battoulah, Boshiya, Bukhnuq, Burkini, Burqa, Çarşaf,Chadaree, Chador, Chunari, Dupatta, Elechek, Haik, Hijab, Jilbaab, Kerudung, Khimar, Kimeshek, Kurhars, Mukena, Niqaab, Paranja, Ruband,Safseri, Selendang, Shayla, Tudong, or Yashmaks.

The reason I say "strategic and tactical blessing to USA"is by you being better informed about Islam you can take and make better decisions and actions regarding Islam.

While we have a first amendment in USA that allows for you to not be infringed in your practice of religion, folks want to be exceedingly tolerant of Islam and moslems. But if you educate yourself you'll understand why our founders forbade it USA. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were both ambassadors in Europe and were well aware of moslems as they were doing then, the same thing they are doing now. Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, our first three presidents loathed Islam, not because it isn't "Christian" as they all were, but because it isn't clearly a religion, and since it is a quasi-government of by and for Mohammad, it is antithetical to all things in OUR democratic Republic.

I also strongly recommend this video by Dr. Warner. I wouldn't call it "a taste of Islam", maybe "a whiff of Islam". Bill actually has a "Taste of Islam" series if you want some deeper education.

A Side Note:
My memory sucks and I often need to check to make sure I'm using the right term. Initially I was only going to say "hajib" in reference to your daughter's clothing choices, but hajib didn't sound exactly right... so I checked. I was right, and wrong.
  • Hajib: was a court official, equivalent to a chamberlain, in the early moslem world, which evolved to fulfil various functions, often serving as chief ministers or enjoying dictatorial powers...
  • Hajib: The Arabic word hijab (حجاب) literally translates into English as "veil".
The first definition came up and "surprised" me as I was looking for clothing. After seeing both are "good definitions" I had this inkling that "veil" might, in some way, be appropriate for both the politician and the face covering.

Socialist and Moslems are succeeding in silencing folks trying to inform you about Islam:
More Information (in no particular order):
These sites have been mysterious broken for some time but the Internet Archive has copies (Donate to Internet Archive? Internet Archive Donate Page)
Sites Mysteriously down, when I checked, and how to get them anyway
Do Muslims believe sharia law supersedes the Constitution?
Share an epub copy with  your friends: HERE

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