Friday, May 6, 2022

What Should We Do: An essay. Fight, Flight, or Annoy?


The email I received from Bishop J. Strickland today had me thinking.  Below are some of those thoughts. ≈ 1300 Words

I wouldn't criticize the Catholic Church.  I know its history very well, many priests are friends, they're scholars and Christian apologists are some of the best in the world. Furthermore, I'm aware of the problems and, for me, the assorted tainted leaders, are only a part of it. 

I'm always a bit sad when someone leaves a church because of the church people.  I too, face a similar decision. So, I do understand people leaving a fellowship.  The thing that comes up is, do I stay and fight for what I believe is right? Or, do I move on to where I believe I may be better served? 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Elon Musk Saved Twitter?

It appears Elon Musk has purchased Twitter.

Today the rabid liberals are biting more ferociously than normal. It only means the share holders were wise, to me. Elon's offer to pay double the value of each share was more than the greedy could step away from.

Elon may have saved Twitter from destroying itself. The dictators running that show were doing to Twitter, what the Biden administration is doing to USA. Even the USSR with all the firepower and steel-will they had, could not overcome incompetence coupled with immorality and a lack of ethics over time. Elon may have decided to save free speech too late.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We have problems. Let's just fix them.

Think on it

Folks, there are a number of blatant problems with voting in the USA.  I'll leave the solution to politicians.  It is however counterproductive to NOT do forensic audits.  Every business in the world needs to be audited from time to time if they want to remain healthy businesses.  This is not an attempt to do anything at this point and time except to determine if the recent voting was accurate in places where legitimate concerns have been presented and are reasonable to investigate.

Every state that Trump lost that he believes he won can do a full forensic audit, and it won't change the past.  It will only affect the future and anyone involved in any intentional criminal or negligent activity if the appropriate people decide to pursue legal remedies or punishments.

Finally, I don't care what the media and democrats are saying about voting rights.  Any national voting law is an affront to the constitution. Every reasonable constitutional scholar will confirm this.  State legislatures write the state laws for voting. That is what is constitutional. If this national law is passed by some scheme, SCOTUS, even Obama appointees, will have to stand against this overstep by the national legislatures and president. It is not in State legislators own best interest to do anything that would hinder voting in any way.  They know that doesn't make sense, you know that doesn't make sense, and even the liars trying to gaslight you know that.  Anyone who grew up in the USA and has had a remotely adequate education knows there is no racism in voting.  Frankly, it is an insult to minorities to suggest such a thing. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Unintended Consequences of Good Intentions

 I could write a commentary on this topic daily, and have it different every day. 

Today's commentary is related to Women's Sports. On March 10, 2021, I'm witnessing the ridiculous continuation of more and more unintended consequences of good intentions by more and more justice warriors, creating more and more havoc, that results in a society that is collapsing in upon itself under the weight of ridiculous. This will ultimately end in a miserable unintended consequences of good intentions which I will conclude with.

I think groups that unite to resolve some injustice in society should be like stories.  They should have a beginning, the recognition of the injustice, and the unification of a group to resolve it.  A middle, the struggle to change minds, and resolve the injustice.  An end, the resolution of the injustice.  Then that group should dissolve, go away, and let grown-ups fix the unintended consequences of good intentions that resolved the injustice.

What actually happens is the original "justice warriors", true patriotic rights advocates, win their cause.  Then the group they established, which should dissolve, is taken over by radical political activists with dubious intentions.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Threats to our national security by friend or foe. Our policy ought be equally effective.

An essay on immigration, foreign policy, national interests, and the principles which ought to be applied to them.

When cartels or criminals execute US citizens, or countries are so chronically corrupt or negligent of their citizens that entire armies of citizens attempt illegal entry into the USA with the hopes of humane treatment it is a chronic and severe threat to US national security.

It likely isn't an ideal foreign policy to interfere in the internal affairs of foreign countries but when and where is it appropriate to take preventive actions in defense of the USA?

In the Middle East it appears of little concern to take aggressive lethal actions when the lives of US citizens are critically altered or the threats presented by country's policies threatens critical US interests.

Impeachment? I believe our President deserves better.

I watched Nancy Pelosi's speech about the reason for the president's impeachment yesterday. I would insist he be impeached if even one of the things she claimed were true.

The articles of impeachment do not include anything she claimed he has done, all serious impeachable crimes. I've read the impeachment articles and the responses to those allegations. All the allegations fail to rise to the level of "crime", none of the "legally admissible" evidence supports the "not crimes".

I watched the impeachment activities in congress. While I know impeachment is a political, not legal process, it was so massively and obviously unfair, I'd have ejected anyone who participated in that evil process from congress for the lack of any ethics, had I the authority.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


10 2020 tweets about the abuses of #ThePress1A

The 4th arm of #USGov is an honest press keeping the #USPublic well & factually informed. This is essential for good #USGov. If folks are misled with #psyops, #propaganda, or just #BadNews it threatens the very fabric of our #Freedom and #Liberty. #NotOkay1A 1/10

Who to call when your faith & trust is abused? Who to call when you are misled by false ads & based on your trust of that ad, you are harmed in many ways? Who's fault when #ThePress1A misleads you to believe you are in danger-you act for your safety & hurt others? #NotOkay1A 2/10

What remedy have you when the #NewsInfo you trust (#ThePress1A) misleads you & your good faith act based on that news goes real bad? Call the @FBI? The @FCC? The @DOJ? Do you sue? Who? What court? What if they allege you did crime-you did not & lose #Liberty & $? #NotOkay1A 3/10

Who is to blame when @FBI or any #USLaw ignores #BadNews #psyops & #PropagandaCrime they know misleads a huge mass of US Public causing the folks to act badly on lies #ThePress1A told them is true? Who watches the watchers when #BadNews is #NotOkay1A? 4/10

When any #BadNewsActor lies or abuses #ThePress1A, it’s known by #USLaw & ignored... The public has ONLY #BadNews to correctly choose & vote on issues that maintain or retain their precious #Liberty. Especially when all #USLaw ignores the psyops #LieCrimes. It's #NotOkay1A 5/10

Heard this before? The left & their media allies? Liars at #FoxNews? #FakeNews? #PolarizedNews? There is no such thing: It's simply PSYOPs PROPAGANDA NEWS. There’s only #GoodNews, #BadNews, & criminal #1A abuse. Special #ThePress1A must never be abused. It's just #NotOkay1A 6/10

This will not stand with me. I stand with everyone's #1A. There's no #HateSpeech, only #FreeSpeech. If this not be true our #1A is #NotOkay1A. You say, I say, it's all okay, but what #ThePress1A say must be Okay. No speculation, just revelation. Otherwise it is #NoOkay1A 7/10

@ABC @NBC @CBS @CNN @MSNBC @FoxNews @OANN @NYT @WaPo news must be news, fact checked, verified, #ThePress1A. #Hannity #Maddow any #OpEd-: What they say, it's okay. Its #FreeSpeech not #HateSpeech it's just their mind. IF, "It's true" they say. It best be: or it's #NotOkay1A 8/10

When you say, she's not okay, best be fact-checked its what I say. If not that's not #FreeSpeech1A. It's #BadNews #NotOkay1A. I've no time to investigate, I must trust what you state. In our #Liberty fight, if you lie, we all die as our info just won't fly. It's #NotOkay1A 9/10

Social media it's not free-they manipulate you & me. What you say comes not to me-The #POTUS speaks-I don't see-but #FakeNews comes to me? I see when to vote! You didn't get the note? Who can help us see-social media blinds you & me! It's #1A they say, sorry that's #NotOkay1A. 10/10
