Think on it
Folks, there are a number of blatant problems with voting in the USA. I'll leave the solution to politicians. It is however counterproductive to NOT do forensic audits. Every business in the world needs to be audited from time to time if they want to remain healthy businesses. This is not an attempt to do anything at this point and time except to determine if the recent voting was accurate in places where legitimate concerns have been presented and are reasonable to investigate.Every state that Trump lost that he believes he won can do a full forensic audit, and it won't change the past. It will only affect the future and anyone involved in any intentional criminal or negligent activity if the appropriate people decide to pursue legal remedies or punishments.
Finally, I don't care what the media and democrats are saying about voting rights. Any national voting law is an affront to the constitution. Every reasonable constitutional scholar will confirm this. State legislatures write the state laws for voting. That is what is constitutional. If this national law is passed by some scheme, SCOTUS, even Obama appointees, will have to stand against this overstep by the national legislatures and president. It is not in State legislators own best interest to do anything that would hinder voting in any way. They know that doesn't make sense, you know that doesn't make sense, and even the liars trying to gaslight you know that. Anyone who grew up in the USA and has had a remotely adequate education knows there is no racism in voting. Frankly, it is an insult to minorities to suggest such a thing.