Saturday, April 29, 2017

Dreyfuss Civics Initiative Farce

Friday, April 28, 2017

Richard-Dreyfuss Today on Fox News while watching Tucker Carlson he had a segment with Richard Dreyfuss. I understand Richard sent Tucker and email and requested time on his show to "school us in civics". I'm proud to confess I did not laugh out loud, change the channel, or even start to criticize Richard before the segment began. Another confession, before I get to a remarkable segment and brilliant observations by Richard Dreyfuss. I do not know how or why, but internally I had developed some rather harsh opinions about Richard as being a moron who is anti-American and fundamentally supports socialism and the ideals that would certainly destroy this country. I am giving myself the benefit of the doubt and assuming I did not develop these harsh sentiments about Richard arbitrarily. Because I do not doubt myself I found myself confused as today's segment with Tucker Carlson left me slack jawed, silenced, and then even reluctantly supportive of his "Richard Dreyfuss Initiative".

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Bigger the Government... by Dennis Prager


The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. This is one of the most important realizations about society you will ever have. In fact, this understanding is the primary reason for America’s unique success as both a free and affluent society. (Original Post at Prager U Facts and Sources below Transcript,)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

If you care about Online Privacy

If you care about Online Privacy, please read this.
I use Blur's Premium service.  Once exposed to it, I instantly knew I wanted this service. I'm not one who would normally push any product and service, but this new Internet privacy issue seems a nightmare to me and I believe with Blur and a good VPN you may be able to limit how severely your privacy is being violated. If I were not financially challenged, I'd purchase the DeleteMe product as well.

I'm hearing that your Internet Service Provider can now sell your browsing history.  I haven't determined all the details but on the face of it I say: NO THANK YOU.  Here is a recent letter I received from the CEO of Abine, the creator of Blur. 

Given the pending elimination of the FCC’s Internet Privacy Protection regulations, we’d like to take a moment to share our views on what you can do – whatever your political affiliation – to help preserve your online privacy. 

Here’s what’s happening:

Your ISP (e.g. Comcast, Verizon, etc.) will be able to freely track and sell the data they have about your personal online activities. (See for more). Specifically, they will be able to market and sell a list of all the websites you visit from your home without having to get your permission.
Before you read further, if you just want a discount:
  • Click here for our DeleteMe removal service
  • Click here for our Blur premium service
  • Use the code FCCPRIVACY at checkout for a 25% discount