My rating: 5 of 5 stars

White Fang by Jack London: Read on 7/25 to page 44 and on 8/3 to The End.
General Spoiler Warning, applies to nearly all books. If you hear of a book and think you may want to read it based on what you’ve heard, DO NOT READ THE BLURB as the book’s introduction, regardless of where it is listed. This book, at Goodreads, supplied 3 paragraphs of spoilers and one great intro paragraph. IF I had I read the Goodread’s Book intro it would have spoiled 2 parts of the book or at least several paragraphs.
The one good paragraph was this one:
A classic adventure novel detailing the savagery of life in the northern wilds. Its central character is a ferocious and magnificent creature, through whose experiences we feel the harsh rhythms and patterns of wilderness life among animals and men.

I can not write a better non-spoiler intro to the book. Sadly it was preceded by those other 3 paragraphs. I try not to write spoilers, or if I do, I at least make you decide to look at it. Rant Complete!